Bachelor of Oil and Gas Management (Hons) in Malaysia

Bachelor of Oil and Gas Management (Hons) is a 3-year highly-specialized, industry-specific degree programme for students who plan to build their career in the oil and gas industry. The management of non-renewable resources is a highly valued ability, and prospects for advancement in the field are good.

Some of the specific oil and gas subjects that will be explored in this course are supply chain management, economics, laws and institutions, comparative management of oil and gas, public policy management, public financial management, public infrastructure planning and management, health policy planning and management, community engagement, financial accounting, quantitative methods, natural resource economics, entrepreneurship, accounting, marketing management, records management, public transportation systems, land management and administration, project planning, production and operations management.

Other more generalised subjects in this course are organisational theory and management, organisational change and development, business policy and strategic management, human resource management, ethics and corporate governance, research methods, regional economics and integration.

SKU 888689329bbb Category

 January, April, May, June, September

Course Fees



3 Years



Qualification Level

Subject Area
