Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Hons) in Malaysia

Medical imaging refers to the techniques and processes used to create images of the entire or parts of the human body for clinical purposes which include medical procedures seeking to reveal, diagnose or examine diseases or for medical examination which includes normal anatomy and physiology.

In the clinical context, medical imaging is generally refers to radiology or “clinical imaging” and the medical practitioner responsible for interpreting (and sometimes acquiring) the images are the radiologist. Diagnostic radiography designates the technical aspects of medical imaging and in particular the acquisition of medical images. The radiographer is usually responsible for acquiring medical images of diagnostic quality.

Medical imaging uses techniques that non invasively produce images of the internal aspect of the body. In radiography, x-ray radiation which is absorbed at different rates in different tissue types such as bone, muscle and fat which then forms the images.The specialized procedure in radiography includes Computerize Tomography, Angiography and mammography, Other modalities in medical imaging are, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radionuclide Imaging and Ultrasonography. In the case of ultrasonography the probe consists of ultrasonic pressure waves and echoes inside the tissue show the internal structure.

SKU 7dd5a6d91131 Category

 January, April, May, June, September

Course Fees



4 years



Qualification Level

Subject Area
