cover-19-Temporary Visa holder-408

New Visa to assist foreign national to remain in Australia- Subclass-408

This visa allows you to remain in Australia if you have no other visa options and are unable to depart due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Australian Government has declared COVID-19 pandemic as Australian Government endorsed event for migration purpose. 

 Generally, For Subclass-408 (Class- GG), you are required to have an approved sponsor, however for Australian Government endorsed events such as COVID-19 pandemic, applicant is exempted from having sponsor. There is no Visa Application Charge. 

This visa allows you to remain in Australia if you have no other visa options and are unable to depart due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

You must be able to assist in critical sectors during this pandemic. The critical sectors mentioned are:  

  • Healthcare
  • Disability
  • Aged care
  • Childcare &
  • Agriculture


  • You must be in Australia
  • You are unable to depart as a result of COVID-19 pandemic


  • your current visa is going to expire with 28 days


  • Your current visa has expired not more than 28 days before


  • You are unable to apply for the same visa that you are currently holding or any temporary visa other than Subclass 408.

Visa Application Charge: Nil 

Contact us for migration advice.

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