New Genuine Student Requirement

We all know that student visa applicants are a must be a genuine applicant to enter Australia temporarily. Someone holding a student visa are always reminded that they should show understanding that the primary reason for being in Australia is studying.

From March 23, 2024, the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) was replaced by the Genuine Student (GS) requirement. This change was announced as part of the Australian Government’s New Migration Strategy that was released on 11 December 2023 and applies to all Student visa applications lodged on or after March 23, 2024.

Take note that any student visa application lodged BEFORE the said date that GS Requirement  will be continued to be assessed  by the GTE.

The purpose for this change is clarify the assessment of a student’s intention to genuinely study in Australia and to remove the confusion about whether the student can express a desire to migrate to Australia. The GS requirement is intended to include students that after studying, they develop skills that Australia needs and then go on to apply for permanent residency.

The student does not need to satisfy the GTE requirement to show that they intend to stay in Australia temporarily anymore. Instead, the Genuine Student requirement can identify the non-genuine students who are intending to enter Australia for other purposes other than to study. The Genuine Student requirement focuses on the assessment of the student’s genuine intention to study in Australia, in the online student visa application form, all student visa applicants are required to provide information in support of their application to demonstrate that they meet the Genuine Student criteria:

  • Give details of the applicant’s current circumstances, including ties to family, community, employment, and economic circumstances.
  • Explain why the applicant wishes to study this course in Australia with this particular education provider including their understanding of the requirements of the intended course and studying and living in Australia.
  • Explain how completing the course will be of benefit to the applicant
  • Give details of any other relevant information the applicant would like to include

Above is the newest update on Australia student visa. If you are struggling in how to write the statement and other supporting documents, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will assist you on Australia student visa application.

Now, you know more about applying for a student visa. Start and complete your journey with us here at EMC Australia.

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