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Course Assessment Form 


Nameyour full name
How old are you?
When did you finish above course
Aggregate marks% or GPA in the above course
Aggregate marks% or GPA in Year-12 or Higher/Senior Secondary exam or equivalent
Aggregate marks% or GPA in Year-10 or equivalent
What course do you want to study ?
Which city do you prefere to study ?
Do you have any work experience ?
Work experience summarymore details
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Have you travelled to Australia or any other country ?
Provide brief visa details. Reason for your travel.
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Have you applied for student visa before?
What was the visa application outcome ?
What was the reason for refusal or withdrawal of the application ?
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Do you have any family member in Australia ?
Do you have dependent ?
Will your dependent(s) travel with you?
Who will accompany with you?
Financial Decleration
Who will be your sponsor or who will financially support your studies ?
Do you declare that all the information which you have provided to EMC is accurate and complete?
Do you declare that all documents you provide to EMC is genuiene and correct?Any misleading information or bogus doucments may lead to visa refusal and ban from entering Australia in future.
How much fund do you have available ? (Only liquid assets)your full name
Any other commentsmore details
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Upload IELTS result here
Upload your resume here
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